My Logo
My Portfolio
Screen Shots of sites I have designed
Screen Shots of more sites.
Screenshots 3
Why You Need a Website
Why Whitehorn Should Design it
What will this Cost?
Things I need from you to work on your site.
Conception, or  Why I Do Sites
Client Comments

You are here

Whitehorn Web Design
For Artists. Small businesses & Individuals

You may contact Whitehorn Web Design in the following ways:

by email:
Whitehorn Web Design

by phone:

by postal mail:
Carolyn Whitehorn
P O Box 339,
CA 95490-0339

or by filling in the form below:

Your Email Address
Your Name 

Do you need a new website?    yes     no
Do you need to register a domain name?    yes      no
Have you checked to see if is is available?    yes       no
Name you want: www. .
If other, what is the extension?

Do you already have a domain name?   yes      no
Your domain name?
Do you already have a website?   yes      no
Do you need your site redesigned?     Managed?
What is/will be the focus of your site?
What do you want/expect from your site?
What is a good time for me to call you?
What time zone are you in?     
If other:
Your phone number with area code
How did you find this website?

Please note: if you use this form to send links to porn site, (this HAS been a problem) I will NOT click on them, I will delete without reading.


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Home | Portfolio | Screenshots 1 | Screenshots 2 | Screenshots 3 | Why a Website | Costs | Why Whitehorn
What I Need From You | About Whitehorn | Client Comments | Contact Whitehorn | Feedback

This website and all graphics and designs ©2006 by Carolyn Whitehorn and Whitehorn Web Design